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Preparing for Collective Impact: Using ATD’s Updated Institutional Capacity Framework to Cultivate Community Vibrancy

Mar 17, 20251:00pm - 2:00pm ETAnyone

Achieving the Dream’s updated Institutional Capacity Framework — and the accompanying Assessment Tool (ICAT) — define the foundational capacities for driving equitable student success outcomes. ICAT 2.0 embeds elements of the current capacity framework but in a more dynamic and interconnected way. While it remains student-centered, its focus is expanded, encompassing community vibrancy.

Join us for this webinar, which will highlight key changes to ATD’s Institutional Capacity Framework and how the updated ICAT can orient and propel your community vibrancy work.

Register for upcoming webinars in our Network webinar series, From Campus to Community: Taking a Broader Approach to Defining Success:
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