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Strengthening Advising Seminar Series 

Application Due: Friday, July 26, 2024 

ATD’s Strengthening Advising Seminar Series offers a multi-session interactive virtual seminar designed for advising professionals and college teams at ATD Network colleges seeking to enhance their support for student success in college and career readiness. 

Led by experienced holistic supports professionals, this multi-part virtual experience takes a practice-informed approach to reimagining student supports models. Partnered with an ATD holistic student supports expert, participating colleges will explore evidence-based, equity-minded methods to guide students along their college journey. 

Encouraging collaboration and learning, this seminar series focuses on effective strategies, communication skills, and customized activities to elevate advising practices. Covering topics from evaluating college structures and processes to understanding the student experience and assessment and evaluation, participants will leave with actionable plans to strengthen their advising efforts. 

Participating colleges can expect to learn effective strategies to accomplish the following: 

  1. Recognize potential institutional barriers impeding advancements in their current advising models 
  2. Evaluate existing campus processes and their effects on student engagement with advising 
  3. Engage peers in a cohort setting to generate solutions and strategies collaboratively 
  4. Apply a practice-minded perspective to ensure equitable outcomes in advising 
  5. Craft actionable plans customized to each institution’s specific context to improve student advising experiences 

About the Program:

Along with a dedicated ATD holistic student supports expert throughout the series, institutions can expect to participate in the following: 

  • One one-hour Seminar Series Kickoff and a final reflection session
  • Six two-hour Interactive Virtual Cohort Sessions  
  • Six one-hour College-Based Implementation Sessions with dedicated ATD holistic student supports expert 
  • Creation of Tailored Action Plans to be implemented immediately on campuses and in college teams 

Who should apply 

This series is tailored for advising professionals, teams, and anyone engaging in direct student advising interactions at ATD Network institutions. College teams should consider integrating varied campus perspectives, like those of faculty leaders, professional development heads, coordinators of student success initiatives, department chairs, and an upper-level (dean or above) academic administrator.  

For larger college teams, please reach out to [email protected]. 

Cohort Term: October 2024 through April 2025 

Cost: Email for pricing details. 

Application deadline: Friday, July 26, 2024. Click here to download the application form. 

Previous participants in the Advising Professional Series accomplished the following: 

  • Gained concrete techniques to advance equity-driven advising practices on their campuses 
  • Exchanged institutional practices and insights on holistic advising practices implemented at their institutions 
  • Investigated advising methods to address counseling needs for students

ATD’s Strengthening Advising Seminar Series cohort will kick off with the College Team Leaders Orientation on October 1, 2024. Subsequently, seven two-hour interactive sessions will be hosted virtually from October 8, 2024, through April 1, 2025. These sessions will be held on Tuesdays from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. EST, as listed in the timeline above.  

Additionally, each college team will receive seven hours of focused implementation engagement with a dedicated ATD holistic student supports expert. These virtual implementation hours will be scheduled directly with your college team and HSS expert.  

For additional details, you can download the FAQs info sheet by clicking here or email [email protected] 

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