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Two female college professors of color talk with each other while descending an outdoor staircase on campus.

We’re Better Together

By working with Achieving the Dream, colleges and universities benefit from the collective learning of the national ATD Network of institutions — as well as from our extensive years of experience innovating and anticipating future needs and issues in the face of continual change.

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Join the ATD Network

Leaders of ATD Network institutions have unique opportunities to learn from — and with — their peers through exclusive access to network events, summits, and convenings. You benefit from strategic, customized, sustained support during your participation in the network and have options to deepen your work through targeted coaching services. Join our Network to begin the next stage of your institutional transformation. 

How to Join—Application Period is Currently Closed! 

The application to join the 2024 Network cohort is closed. If you are interested in joining the ATD Network or want to schedule an initial consultation call, please get in touch with us at [email protected]. We would be honored to welcome you into the ATD Network!

Network Benefits

Exclusive access to Network-only programs and tools

  • Invitation-only webinar series
  • Institutional Capacity Assessment Tool (ICAT)
  • Participation in the Postsecondary Data Partnership (PDP)
  • ATD Connect portal

Networking opportunities with thousands of peers, policymakers, and industry leaders

  • Two registrations to DREAM national convening
  • One hour of coach time at DREAM
  • Opportunity to participate in various role- or topic-specific forums
  • In-Network pricing to attend annual topic-specific events

Eligibility for innovation grants, initiatives, and awards

  • Opportunity to compete for national initiatives available only to Network colleges
  • Certify or recertify for ATD Leader College and Leader College of Distinction status
  • Maintain eligibility to win ATD awards
  • DREAM Scholars program

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Let’s Start the Conversation

Reach out today to talk with our team about the benefits of joining the Achieving the Dream Network.

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39 Colleges
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