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Collective Commitment, Collective Progress

By cultivating meaningful partnerships with colleges across the country and with other organizations in the sector, together we can further the policies and practices that have the most impact.

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Prosperity for Ohio: Mapping Credentials to Success

Linking higher education data with employment data to promote data-informed decision-making about college programs in Ohio’s community colleges and beyond. 

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From Opening Doors to Ushering In: Strategic Enrollment Management for Adult Learners

ATD is developing research-based tools to help colleges craft equity-minded strategic enrollment management plans focused on learners aged 23+.

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Community Vibrancy Cohort

Sixteen Network colleges are testing new tools and training materials intended to help colleges address inequities on their campus and in their communities.

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South African Partnership

ATD supports the Siyaphumelela (“We Succeed”) initiative in South Africa to broaden evidence-based student success strategies.

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Prioritizing Adult Community College Enrollment (PACCE)

The PACCE initiative supports 20 community colleges in scaling innovative approaches to reaching and enrolling learners aged 25+.

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Postsecondary Data Partnership (PDP)

The PDP helps institutions, states, and organizations support a culture of evidence and inquiry, using an intersectional approach to disaggregate, benchmark, and communicate data.

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We’re actively working to move the field forward by exploring new ideas and developing solutions in response to pressing challenges.

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We advocate for policies and practices within our network and with policymakers to promote ideas around critical issues in the field.

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We train and coach leaders in the field, so they can holistically advance their institutions as engines of community growth.

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