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Holistic Student Supports

Equity in design for holistic student supports: Increasing success for student mothers at community colleges

Research & Reports
February 15, 2020

Diverse experiences, shared challenges

Student mothers often straddle multiple demographic populations important to community colleges—women, parents, students of color, and those facing significant financial challenges. Women represent the majority of college students and, on average, often do better than men at many institutions. But stark equity gaps among women are revealed when data is disaggregated by age, and importantly, by whether they are parents.

The dramatic gaps in attainment facing student mothers are, at their heart, a gender equity issue with real-world impacts on career opportunities and future income for both the mother and her children. When student mothers earn degrees, they and their families have greater socioeconomic opportunities. When provided with proper supports, single mothers — who are at much higher risk of not completing — can break the cycle of failure and attain their goals.

This brief, part of the Equity in Design for Holistic Student Supports series, examines the support needs of student mothers at community colleges.

Equity in Design for Holistic Student Supports: Increasing Success for Student Mothers at Community Colleges

Equity in Design for Holistic Student Supports

Increasing Success for Student Mothers at Community Colleges


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