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Racial Equity Leadership Academy (RELA) 2.0 Summer Session

Jun 26-29, 2023

The Achieving the Dream and USC Race and Equity Center Racial Equity Leadership Academy (RELA 2.0) is an intensive institute designed to support teams of leaders as they develop bold, strategic racial equity plans and implement actionable change efforts at their institutions.

The in-person Summer Session provides an opportunity for RELA 2.0 participants to come together at a critical point in their racial equity change efforts (RECE) to gain more support in contextualizing their work amidst an increasingly hostile political climate towards DEI, inform their projects in meaningful ways through the race-conscious sense-making of data disaggregated by race, and map avenues for accountability to ensure project follow-through. Through a combination of modules delivered by racial equity experts, coaching support through the next steps of our RECE logic models, and feedback from other campus teams working on similar topics and role-alike groups, RELA 2.0 participants will further their RECE towards implementation this fall.

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