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2015 Leah Meyer Austin Award Brochure – Patrick Henry Community College

Stories & Case Studies
February 17, 2015

Patrick Henry Community College (PHCC) receives the 2015 Leah Meyer Austin Award jointly with The Community College of Baltimore County.

To say that rural southcentral Virginia has experienced tough economic challenges and high unemployment rates as a grave understatement. Once dubbed the “furniture capital of the world,” this region faced a new title in the wake of the 2007 recession: the unemployment capital of Virginia. Much of its citizenry lives below the poverty line and lacks a high school education, limiting the availability of jobs that offer family-sustaining wages.

Through strong academic and workforce programs, PHCC and its community and business partners have now earned the “Advanced Film Manufacturing Capital of the World” designation for their community. Today, Achieving the Dream proudly adds another title to PHCC’s repertoire: 2015 Leah Meyer Austin Award Winner.

Read the brochure to learn how PHCC achieved this dramatic improvement.

2015 Leah Meyer Austin Brochure – Patrick Henry Community College.pdf

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