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Holistic Student Supports

Each student’s dreams, goals, and needs are unique. More than just a program or initiative, holistic student support involves designing student-centered operations that address the academic and personal needs of all students to ensure they can thrive.

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Why It Matters

  • Colleges must first understand current challenges and opportunities across the learning journey.
  • Students are the most important source of information but are often left out of decision-making.
  • Change involves the creation of a structure and culture that supports continuous improvement centered on students.

How We Help

  • Achieving the Dream helps college teams envision and design the ideal student experience to build a student-ready institution.
  • Colleges work closely with our coaches to develop a student-informed, prioritized action plan that addresses core issues.
  • Guided by insights from the ATD Network and our own research, we equip campus teams to build internal operations and communications processes that streamline holistic student supports.

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Partners in Student-Centered Design

Our coaches and subject matter experts have decades of combined experience supporting college leaders, educators, and administrators who are committed to designing supports that meet students where they are and help them succeed.

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Reach out today to talk with our team about how we can support your Holistic Student Supports efforts.

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