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Teaching & Learning

Empower your college to best serve all students by building a culture of teaching and learning excellence.

Effective teaching and learning practices are at the heart of maximizing student outcomes. We help colleges build the infrastructure they need to offer high-quality teaching and learning so they can:

  • Reach and teach every student
  • Employ impactful, practical classroom strategies
  • Design more dynamic, relevant, and culturally responsive courses
  • Build capacity for change with high-impact professional learning

Program benefits include:

  • Full-day campus visits conducted by your ATD Teaching & Learning coaching team, tailored to your institution’s needs
  • Bimonthly virtual support from your ATD Teaching & Learning coaching team
  • Customized resources and tools to support your capacity-building efforts
  • Access to insights and expertise from across the ATD Network, including more than 300 peer institutions in 45 states and the District of Columbia working toward similar goals.
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Strengthening Teaching and Learning Seminar Series

Faculty are at the center of the work to advance equity in higher education. ATD offers a series of high-impact professional learning seminars to strengthen teaching and learning on your campus.

Learn more

A woman wearing a face mask gestures to a large display screen.

ATD’s Teaching & Learning Experts

Our team brings decades of experience, having served as faculty, instructional designers, deans, associate provosts, and associate vice presidents in colleges across the country. They understand how to build equity-focused partnerships that lead to solutions and will offer customized support to create and follow your path to success.

Contact Us

Reach out today to talk with our team about how we can support your Teaching & Learning efforts.

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