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We advise colleges on building guided pathways that ensure all students can find — and stay on — a clear path to college completion and a career of value.

More than 300 colleges nationwide use pathways as the organizing framework for their student success work. Pathways provide an intentionally structured design to support student progression from the time a student expresses an interest in college through the completion of a valuable credential and participation in the labor market, either directly or after completing additional credentials and/or training. Achieving the Dream leverages research and best practice in the field, combined with expertise in coaching, to advise colleges on building and implementing guided pathways for student success.

What You Will Receive

Achieving the Dream’s coaches are trained to use the pathways framework to support improved, equitable student outcomes in the institutions they work with. Pathways coaching will help you to:

  • Create pathways to employment and further education for students that reflect the current and emerging needs of the local and regional labor markets
  • Help students choose educational pathways that lead to social and economic mobility
  • Help students stay on their pathways, providing the academic and nonacademic supports they need to complete their programs
  • Ensure that all students are learning by building a culture of excellence in teaching and learning

Additionally, our pathways coaching service includes ATD Network annual benefits and two site visits by a dedicated coaching pair.

We also provide coaching expertise in subject-specific pathways, including math pathways, developmental education/gateway course reform, transfer pathways, and career pathways.

students talk to each other in front of a colorful mural
Driving Toward Success

In 2021 ATD launched a Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) project that aims to strengthening the crucial role community colleges play as connectors between education and employment in communities. Over a two-year period, ATD will support four communities through the creation of PLCs that will bring together high school educators, community college faculty, workforce development professionals, community-based organizations, and employers.

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Trusted experts for the journey ahead

Our coaches and staff leaders have decades of combined expertise in guided pathways to support your institution’s student success efforts.

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Reach out today to talk with our team about how we can support your Pathways efforts.

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