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Dual Enrollment

The student journey from K–12 to college holds vibrant opportunities for life-change. ATD helps colleges enter the journey earlier, guiding them as they build equity-centered K–12 partnerships that support students on their way to family-sustaining careers.

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Why It Matters

  • Community colleges play a significant role in equitably supporting BIPOC communities, economically disadvantaged youth, and first-generation college students.
  • Dual enrollment and early college are powerful college access tools, but they require a holistic approach combining outreach, student supports, and high-quality instruction.

How We Help

  • Achieving the Dream helps colleges contribute to building a seamless pathway for students to travel from high school through college and into family-sustaining careers.
  • Our dual enrollment services focus on innovative strategies to foster increased college readiness, access, and completion for students from vulnerable populations — the core of the ATD mission.
  • We facilitate connections between colleges, college networks, and high schools, identifying existing systemic barriers and engaging disconnected youth to help communities meet their postsecondary attainment goals.

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Experts to Support Your Partnerships

Our coaches and subject matter experts on bridging K–12 and postsecondary networks can support your community’s efforts to achieve educational attainment and workforce outcome goals.

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Contact Us

Reach out today to talk with our team about how we can support your dual enrollment efforts.

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