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Make informed decisions about opportunities for improvement with our thorough evaluations of institutional performance.

Get Started Today

ATD offers multiple data-driven assessments that examine your college’s assets, challenges, and opportunities to improve student outcomes. Two expert coaches will conduct a two-day site visit on your campus, where they will review internal and external documents and gather input from relevant stakeholders. At a later date, they will meet with your team for a virtual two-hour debrief during which they will deliver a comprehensive report detailing action-oriented recommendations that align with key findings and college priorities. Our assessments may be used to inform student success strategies, build organizational capacity, and/or prioritize areas for growth.

We offer the following assessments:

  • Data and Technology Assessment
  • Equity Opportunity Assessment
  • ICAT With Capacity Café
  • Holistic Student Supports Assessment
  • Student Parent Opportunity Assessment
  • Teaching and Learning Opportunity Assessment
  • Dual Enrollment Opportunity Assessment

Target With Precision

Through a systematic review of student-facing policies and structured feedback from their campus teams, Achieving the Dream assessments captured the nuances Coahoma Community College (CCC) needed to act with confidence.

Not Sure Where To Start?

Every transformation journey is unique. We want you to feel confident and clear about where yours begins. Submit this form, and we’ll reach out to discuss the best starting point for your institution.

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