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Holistic Student Supports

Caring for Students Playbook

Research & Reports
June 8, 2021

This playbook contains resources that can be used by individual instructors to support putting student care into action or by institutions seeking guidance for incorporating caring for students into their campus strategy and instructional development programming. While the impetus for this playbook was the COVID-19 pandemic, the information and resources provided represent high standards of student support regardless of the environment.

In this playbook you will find detailed recommendations broken out into six sections. Each of these Six Recommendations for Caring for Students provides concrete strategies and resources to support instructors in operationalizing equity-focused, inclusive teaching strategies that put student care into practice by acknowledging student challenges while identifying student assets.

Download the Six Recommendations for Caring for Students

Before exploring the Six Recommendations for Caring for Students, we recommend that you explore our companion resource on Getting Started with Key Terms and Challenges. An excellent tool for educators of all experience levels, the document provides an overview of key terms (i.e., diversity, equity, and inclusion), challenges (i.e., academic, financial, and socio-emotional), and approaches (i.e., culturally responsive teaching, trauma-informed teaching, and universal design for learning, or UDL) that are integral to caring for students.

Download Getting Started with Key Terms and Challenges


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