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DREAM 2024

Orlando, Florida

image of golf course in front of Orlando hotel

Feb 19-22, 2024Anyone

Register for the 20th anniversary convening of DREAM in Orlando, Florida. The annual signature event of ATD, DREAM brings together thousands of practitioners from hundreds of colleges to exchange evidence-based approaches to accelerating student success in a manner that champions equity and drives economic vibrancy. The conference embodies Achieving the Dream’s longstanding belief in advancing community colleges as accessible hubs of learning, credentialing, and social mobility that eliminate inequities in students’ educational and workforce outcomes. In short, DREAM is the place to be to discover time-proven strategies that transform higher education and uplift our communities.  

ATD has been at the forefront of postsecondary reform work for 20 years. As one of the first national groups to occupy the educational reform space, we have been prioritizing student centeredness and racial equity from the organization’s inception, emboldening communities to choose transformation over tradition, curiosity over inaction, and innovation over status quo.   

With two decades of work under our belts and a higher ed landscape before us that needs our expertise, we are more eager and energized than ever to convene DREAM 2024. Through plenary sessions with critically acclaimed scholars, educators, and activists and breakout sessions with higher education thought leaders, we look forward to gathering in Orlando with a nationwide network of colleagues to share 20 years’ worth of lessons learned in the student success field and to promote our vision of higher education as an engine for equity and a catalyst for community transformation. 

Hotel information:

Orlando World Center Marriott

8701 World Center Drive

Orlando, FL 32831

Check out the all the excitement you can expect at DREAM 2024:

Thank you to our DREAM 2024 sponsors

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For information about sponsorship options, please contact Dayna Gilliard at [email protected] or 240-450-3805.

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