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ATD Tribal College and University Programs

ATD partners with 33 Tribal Colleges and Universities to support their student success work and help empower them as hubs of growth and opportunity for their communities.

In 2017, 33 tribal colleges and universities (TCUs) joined the ATD Network to strengthen their efforts to build data capacity and implement evidence-based reforms.

In addition to providing quality education, TCUs have the unique mission of nation-building. Located on or near Native American reservations, these institutions serve a population that is one of the most underrepresented in higher education today: Native American students from rural areas.

Two organizations, the American Indian Higher Education Consortium and the American Indian College Fund, support Native American student success and communities of learning and are key partners in our work.

Serving Native American Students with Holistic Student Supports Project

In addition to data and leadership coaching, six TCUs are currently participating in a Holistic Student Supports Project and soon, several more will launch their holistic student support work.

Driving Toward Success

“The intangibles to me feel important, because it takes a long time to shift a college’s attitude. Conversations are happening, and they’re happening a lot more. We’ve started an enrollment management team that’s looking at the information and asking systemic, data questions that show me that we’re starting to make real progress.”
– Elizabeth Patience, Assistant Professor, Iḷisaġvik College

TCUs participating in the Serving Native American Students with Holistic Student Supports Project shared progress and successes with the ATD Network at the Holistic Student Supports Institute in 2021.

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Two organizations, the American Indian Higher Education Consortium and the American Indian College Fund, support Native American student success and communities of learning and are key partners in our work.

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