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Racial Equity Leadership Academy

The Achieving the Dream and USC Race and Equity Center Racial Equity Leadership Academy (RELA) is an intensive institute designed to support teams of leaders as they develop bold, strategic racial equity plans and implement actionable change efforts at their institutions. 

Each RELA team is composed of the president/chancellor, an influential faculty member, a cabinet-level student affairs officer and/or diversity officer, and a cabinet-level academic leader, plus an optional additional team member. The RELA experience (January through June of 2025) entails the following:

  • Actively participating in racial equity-focused modules virtually and in-person
  • Attending the virtual kickoff of RELA
  • Identifying a racial equity change effort to design and implement
  • Receiving support from an ATD coach during the virtual kickoff meeting and during monthly virtual coaching visits
  • Developing a long-range vision that will guide the identified racial equity change effort
  • Presenting progress at DREAM

RELA 3.0 Cohort