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Bakersfield College

Bakersfield College

2013–present 2013–present
2015–present 2015–present
College Website

About Bakersfield College

Bakersfield College was founded in 1913 as a direct transfer pathway to the University of California, Berkeley, and remains one of the nation's oldest operating community colleges. The college serves more than 19,000 students (Fall 2015) on the 153-acre Panorama Campus in northeast Bakersfield, at the Delano Campus 35 miles north of Bakersfield, at the Weill Institute in downtown Bakersfield, and at numerous community locations situated to best serve the college's vast and diverse community. Classes are offered on a 16-week semester, as well as in a variety of options for today's student, including evenings, weekends, late-start, online, and short-term.