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Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College

2018–2020 2018–2020
College Website

About Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, a 106-year-old institution, serves students in the four counties of George, Harrison, Jackson and Stone with 10 campuses and centers. Whether it is in traditional college classes or a career, technical, workforce or adult education program, Gulf Coast's goal is to provide the very best learning opportunities for South Mississippi residents by providing superior instruction through traditional and technological formats. Named a top-100 associate-degree producer and Military-Friendly College again this year, MGCCC remains at the forefront of innovation and academic excellence on a national level. The proof of that quality is in the numbers - MGCCC has a 94 percent graduation rate among student athletes, a 93.7 percent job placement rate for career and technical and health science graduates, and a 95.9 percent licensure exam passage rate among that same student population.