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Northern Essex Community College

Northern Essex Community College

2007–present 2007–present
2011–present 2011–present
College Website

About Northern Essex Community College

Northern Essex Community College (NECC) is proud of the quality of education and services we offer to our students. We have over 15,000 individuals who can study full- or part-time. We have a teaching faculty who concentrates their educational, life experiences and efforts in the classroom. The skills needed when your education is completed to transfer successfully to baccalaureate programs, or become a part of the highly skilled business, industrial and professional work force for which New England is famous. You will be able to study at Northern Essex at an extremely low cost. Part-time study is comparably inexpensive. A number of financial aid sources are available to eligible students and we are committed to helping you find a way to afford Northern Essex. NECC is a public, two-year college that offers comprehensive academic programs of study leading to the Associate in Arts degree, the Associate in Science degree and Certificates of program completion.