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Southwest Texas Junior College

Southwest Texas Junior College

2004–2024 2004–2024
2009–2021 2009–2021
College Website

About Southwest Texas Junior College

Southwest Texas Junior College (SWTJC) is a regional, "open door" institution serving an 11-county area that stretches from the Texas Hill Country to the US-Mexican border. Our main campus is located in Uvalde, a city of 15,000 located in the foothills of Texas Hill Country. Uvalde is approximately 70 miles west of San Antonio and 70 miles east of the Mexican border. Additional campuses are located in the border cities of Del Rio and Eagle Pass. We also operate instructional facilities in Crystal City, Pearsall, and Hondo. SWTJC also provides online instruction and distance education links to twenty-two school districts. No other state community college provides educational resources in an area this large.