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Western Texas College

Western Texas College

2010–2012 2010–2012
College Website

About Western Texas College

Western Texas College offers programs of study that qualify students for the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science Degree and junior standing in a senior college or university, and programs that qualify students for the Associate of Applied Science Degree. Programs are also offered that qualify students for certificates of completion which are awarded to students who successfully fulfill the requirements of a program of less than two years' duration. Since degree requirements of various colleges and universities vary considerably, students preparing for transfer to senior colleges and universities should check carefully the catalog of their chosen institution and confer with the counselors, registrar, or faculty advisor concerning specific courses to be taken at Western Texas College. In general, all students working toward a Bachelor of Arts Degree will need basically the same courses in the first two years with a few selected electives. Most students planning a Bachelor of Arts degree, and especially those students who are undecided about a major field, are advised to follow a "liberal arts curriculum. "