About Zane State College
- 2004: Recipient of the MetLife Foundation Best Practice College Award
- 2005: The College was selected to join the Achieving the Dream initiative and received a planning grant followed by an additional three-year grant to improve retention and completion among at-risk student populations.
- 2006: Participated in the John Gardner Institute - s Foundation of Excellence
- 2007: Ranked 9th in the nation as reported in Washington Monthly magazine in its first systematic rating of two-year colleges
- 2009: Ranked 7th in the nation by the Center for Digital Education and Coverage magazine for exceptional support through informational technology
- 2009: Named Achieving the Dream Leader College (recertified several times since then)
- 2010: Recipient of Achieving the Dream Leah Myers Austin Special Recognition Award for Institutional Transformation
- 2011 & 2012: Recipient of Great Colleges to Work For by The Chronicle of Higher Education
- 2011: Recipient of Achieving the Dream Leah Myers Austin Special Recognition for Completion
- 2011: Recipient of Green Energy Ohio Clean Energy Community of the Year
- 2012: Recipient of Achieving the Dream Leah Myers Austin Outstanding Institutional Achievement in Equity & Excellence
- 2013: Recipient of the Outstanding Developmental Program in Ohio by the Ohio Association for Developmental Education
- 2014: Recipient of Eastern Ohio Development Alliance Technology Excellence Award
- 2019: The Bachelors of Applied Science, Electrical Engineering Technology in Protection and Control (BSET) is one of only seven different baccalaureate programs approved by the Ohio Department of Higher Education, to be offered at five two-year colleges. The BSET degree program began accepting applications in December 2019 for its first class that will begin in fall 2020.