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Dr. Linda Herlocker has served as Vice President for Student Services at Florida State College at Jacksonville since Fall 2018. Before that, she served at Valencia College for six years in two different roles – first as a Dean of Students and then as Associate Vice President for Admissions, Records, Registration, and Graduation. She brings nearly 30 years of higher ed experience, serving in both public and private institutions, in both the student services and the academic affairs areas, and both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. Her higher ed experience extends beyond student affairs. She has been a dean of academic affairs, taught as an adjunct faculty member at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, and had several unique professional opportunities, including opening a campus, closing a campus, and constructing a new student services building in a national historic district.  

Before coming to higher ed, she served as a naval officer for 11 years on active duty and 9 years as a reservist, retiring with the rank of commander. Dr. Herlocker earned her Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from the University of South Florida, an MBA from National University, and a BA from Penn State.  


Ed.D. (Educational Leadership) | University of South Florida 

MBA | National University 

B.A. | Pennsylvania State University 

Past Experience:

Vice President of Student Services | Florida State College at Jacksonville 

Registrar and Assoc Vice President of Admissions, Records, Registration, and Graduation | Valencia College 

Dean of Student Services | Valencia College, West Campus 

Interim Dean of Academic Affairs | Hillsborough Community College, Ybor City Campus, 

Dean of Student Services | Hillsborough Community College, Ybor City Campus,

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