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Dr. Linda


Dr. Linda Watkins is a retired president from the San Jacinto College District in Houston, Texas and is now an organizational consultant as well as a coach for Achieving the Dream. Dr. Watkins has a particular interest in organizational change and leadership and is committed to the vision of the community college, especially related to improving the success of community college students across the nation.

Prior to her role with ATD, Dr. Watkins has taught at the high school, community college, and university levels. She began her work with community colleges as a faculty member in sociology, with an emphasis on organizational behavior. Her doctorate degree provided her an opportunity to focus on leadership and organizational management. Dr. Watkins moved into administration and served in many positions, including Dean, Department Chair, VPI and VPSS.

Ed.D. (Higher Education); M.A. (Sociology) | Texas A&M University-Commerce

B.A. (Languages) | University of Texas at Arlington

Past Experience
President | San Jacinto College South

Vice President | VPI and VPSS San Jacinto College South

How has education changed your life/your family?
Education has been a priority in my life as I have done my best to open doors of opportunity for others. My mother sacrificed so I could have what she did not have, growing up in poverty. My husband and children have advanced degrees, and their children value education and work hard to continuously better their lives through learning. I am reminded, “Change one life and you change many.”

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