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Dr. Robert G.
Templin, Jr.

Director Emeritus

Dr. Robert G. Templin, Jr. served as president of Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) from 2002 to 2015, where under his leadership enrollment increased by over 19,000 students. Over the last six years Dr. Templin has led an alliance of business, education, healthcare, technology, and community leaders in creating a comprehensive strategy to double the region’s output of registered nurses and allied health professionals.
Over the past 25 years, Dr. Templin’s contributions in workforce training, education, economic development and immigration policy have been featured in such media as National Public Radio, USA Today, PBS National News Hour and Fortune magazine. He was instrumental in the creation of the “Blueprint for Technology-Based Economic Growth in Virginia,” a strategic plan outlining the steps that Virginia should take to guide the state’s emergence as a leading technology state.
Dr. Templin has received numerous honors for his service to the community, including the Earle C. Williams Leadership in Technology Award from the Northern Virginia Technology Council, the Marta V. Wyatt Award from the Hispanic Committee of Virginia, and the 2009 “We Are America Now” award from Northern Virginia Family Service for his commitment to the state’s immigrant community.

Past Experience
Senior Fellow | Morino Institute
President | Virginia’s Center for Innovative Technology

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