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Photo of Dr. Yas Morimoto, Coach

Dr. Yash


Dr. Yash Morimoto oversees Santa Fe Community College’s strategic planning, institutional research, academic program reviews, learning assessments, accreditation, institutional review board, and human resources functions.

He is passionate about working with people, using data for equity-centered decision-making, and creating systems that are student-centered and socially just.


Ph.D. (Higher Education Leadership) | New Mexico State University

MPA | University of New Mexico

B.A. | Earlham College

Past Experience:

VP for Strategy and Organizational Effectiveness | Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe, NM

Associate VP for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness | Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe, NM

Adjunct Faculty | Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe, NM

How has education changed your life/your family?  

As a person of color who used to be on food stamps, education has allowed me to escape poverty. I recognize and am grateful to all the people who’ve helped me in my journey — and are dedicated to paying it forward so that other students in need can experience social and economic mobility.

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