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James “Dub”


James Green recently retired as associate vice president for planning and accreditation college at Trident Technical College (TTC) in Charleston, SC. He began his career at Trident Technical College as a mathematics instructor in 1993 and spent 14 years in the mathematics department before moving to institutional research in 2007 as TTC joined Achieving the Dream. Mr. Green served as a research analyst in the Office of Institutional Research focusing on student success and retention analysis until being named the Director of IR in January, 2015. He has been a frequent presenter at SCAIR, SACSCOC and ATD focusing on data dashboards and data sharing.

M.S. (Mathematics) | University of Charleston

B.S. (Mathematics) | College of Charleston

Past Experience
Research Analyst| Trident Technical College

Director of Institutional Research | Trident Technical College

Secretary | South Carolina Association for Institutional Research

How has education changed your life/your family?
My parents, both high school dropouts, instilled in me from an early age the value of higher education. While my journey has been circuitous, having that education has allowed me many avenues to explore. I can’t imagine not having had those opportunities and am thankful every day for my diligence to complete college and earn an advanced degree.

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