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Community Vibrancy Seminar Series 

Join our multi-part virtual seminar series designed for community college presidents and senior leaders. Learn essential strategy development and capacity building skills to expand the college’s approach to student success. Sessions include cross-college networking and facilitating discussions.   

Good Fit For

  • Community colleges looking to expand their impact beyond student completion and connect institutional transformation efforts with broader community outcomes
  • Leadership teams committed to increasing access and affordability for populations historically left behind by postsecondary education
  • Institutions focused on improving first-year progression, persistence, and completion of credentials that lead to meaningful workforce opportunities
  • College teams eager to leverage data and new tools to assess market potential among opportunity populations and track workforce and community vibrancy outcomes
  • Colleges striving to promote economic and social mobility, ensuring their graduates contribute to thriving, sustainable communities

What You Get

  • Ability to make a case for change among institutional constituents and community partners  
  • Enhanced understanding about the importance of workforce outcomes and economic/social mobility  
  • Enhanced knowledge about the impact of and importance for creating equitable and economically vibrant communities  
  • Increased use of next-generation metrics to inform planning and strategic action  
  • An action plan to build additional strategies and supports in one or more areas of community vibrancy reform.   

For more information, visit ATD’s Community Vibrancy page. 

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