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Learn specific skills in hands-on, interactive training sessions that dig into foundational strategies and practices.

Get Started Today

ATD’s workshops are dynamic, action-driven sessions designed to empower stakeholders with practical strategies around a wide variety of student success issues. Through focused, customizable, interactive learning sessions, our workshops tackle key challenges facing institutions and equip participants with proven actionable solutions. Each workshop is carefully crafted to inspire collaboration, address critical issues, and deliver transformative insights that make a real impact on your campus.


Dig Deeper, Build Better

One-off workshops can spark ideas but can’t sustain the holistic change needed for transformation. Since 2017, Iḷisaġvik College has engaged in ongoing cross-institutional learning experiences, including workshops, to deliver services that are critical for student — and community — success.

Not Sure Where To Start?

Every transformation journey is unique. We want you to feel confident and clear about where yours begins. Submit this form, and we’ll reach out to discuss the best starting point for your institution.

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